Peace Lily Care Tips: Should I Mist My Peace Lily And How Often?


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Mom, I am very worried about my peace lily. Its leaves are continuously turning brown, curl, and sometimes wilt.  

-Your uncle is coming to our home today, you can discuss it with him, as he is an expert gardener. 

Uncle, you can see the conditions, it’s really disappointing for me. What should I do now? 

-All leaves are very dry, and you have placed them in a dry environment that is not suitable for your peace lily. Don’t you mist them regularly? 

Should I Mist My Peace Lily

No, should I mist my peace lily?

But you have to be aware when misting them, as misting too much or too often can cause fungal or bacterial infections or attract pests.

Uncle, please tell me, how can I care for my peace lily indoors, and how often should I mist a peace lily?

Main Facts:

  • you should mist your peace lily.
  • If you want to add mist in a natural and inexpensive way to your peace lily then you can consider using a pebble tray.
  • The frequency of misting depends on the climate and the season.

Should I Mist My Peace Lily?

Peace lilies are tropical plants. They are native to the tropical region of Central and South America. Here, they grow in the forest floor with high humidity levels, indirect light and in warm temperatures. 

Peace lilies are renowned for their resilience in different environments. But they have some requirements for growing well and maintaining their overall health. One of their requirements is high humidity. 

Peace lilies are naturally adapted to grow in a place where they can enjoy high humidity levels of 60% or more. In contrast, most indoor environments have much lower humidity levels like yours also. It happens especially in winter when the heating is on. This can cause your peace lily to lose moisture through its leaves and become stressed.

Should I Mist My Peace Lily

Additionally, low humidity can also make your peace lily more susceptible to pests and diseases, such as spider mites, mealybugs, and leaf spot.

During this situation, increasing the humidity levels is only one solution. And misting your peace lily is the easiest method of increasing the humidity. As well as, it doesn’t require money and much time. 

High humidity is very essential to keep their leaves moist and healthy. You may be surprised to know that these indoor plants have a unique mechanism for taking in water through their leaves, in addition to their roots. Misting green leaves allows your plant to absorb moisture through its stomata, tiny pores on the leaves. 

This also cleans the leaves and stems by removing dust and keeps the leaves hydrated and prevents them from turning brown or wilting. 

Therefore you should mist your peace lily plants that are not only necessary for their aesthetic vibes but also keep them sturdy. Plus it can prevent drooping your plants.

What If You Don’t Mist Your Peace Lily?

If the place where you placed your peace lily has already more than 50% humidity levels then you don’t need to mist your peace lily. But if the humidity level is less than 40% then it requires more humidity. What if you don’t mist your peace lily during this time? 

What If You Don’t Mist Your Peace Lily

Actually, you have to face the following problems:

  1. Low humidity and dryness will turn the leaves brown, curl, or wilt due to low humidity and dryness. It is also detracting from the plant’s aesthetic appeal.
  2. Another problem that you can face is they become more susceptible to pests and diseases in low humidity, such as spider mites, mealybugs, and leaf spot.
  3. Your plant will not bloom or grow well. The reason is improper humidity. And misting can help clean the leaves and improve photosynthesis.
  4. If you don’t misting, your plants may limit the ability to utilize their supplementary water absorption method, potentially impacting its hydration.
  5. Also, inadequate humidity can hinder your plant’s growth and development. You look at your peace lily, it’s exhibiting slower growth, and no flowers even this is their flowering seasons. 

What do you think now, should you mist peace lily?

Sign That Tells Your Peace Lily Needs Mist

Uncle, should I mist peace lily everyday?

-No, it’s not necessary to mist them everyday, but you should mist them when they needs. 

How can I understand that my peace lily needs mist? 

-When peace lilies do not get their preferred humidity, it shows some signs that indicate they need mist. Some of the common signs are: 

Wilting and drooping
Wilting and drooping is very common signs that a peace lily shows in low humidity. Underwatering can also cause the same problem. If your peace lily looks limp and saggy, it may be dehydrated. As moist soil is crucial for peace lily you should water your plant if it feels dry. Misting is also necessary to revive your wilted peace lily.
Brown leaf tips
Brown leaves are also a sign of low humidity. If the tips of the leaves turn brown and crispy, it means they are losing excess water through transpiration. This can happen when the air is dry and your plant is exposed to direct sunlight or drafts. Misting can help prevent leaf scorch, but you should also move the plant to a shadier spot where it can receive indirect sunlight.
Falling flowers
You may have noticed flowers falling from its stalks prematurely. It could be a sign of low humidity. Their white flags like flowers need more moisture than leaves, so they are more sensitive to dry conditions. When you Mist, this can help prolong the blooming period, but you should also avoid placing the plant near heat sources or vents that can dry out the air.
Stunted growth
Another sign is your peace lily does not grow much or produce new leaves and flowers, when it is suffering from low humidity. Humidity helps your plant absorb nutrients and perform photosynthesis, so it is essential for its health and development. Misting can stimulate growth, but you should also fertilize your plant regularly and prune any dead or damaged parts.

How Much Should I Mist My Peace Lily?

Uncle, are there any rules of misting peace lilies properly, or I can mist that I want? 

-Obviously you should mist your peace lily with the right amount of dechlorinated water.  Let me explain how much you should mist your peace lily: 

The frequency of misting depends on the climate and the season. There is alo a good rule of thumb to mist your peace lily that is about three times a week. 

How Much Should I Mist My Peace Lily

As I said, you have to change the frequency of misting according to the seasons. You need to mist more often in winter. Because at this time, the air is drier. Also in summer, when the temperature is higher.

It’s better to measure the humidity levels before misting your peace lily. You can also use a hygrometer to measure the humidity level of the room and adjust your misting accordingly. If you have only a single plant then you can skip this. 

Additionally, the amount of misting depends on the size and the condition of your entire plant. You know there are various types of peace lilies, some are compact and some are very large in size. You should mist your peace lily enough to create a fine layer of moisture on the leaves, but not so much that the water drips on potting mix. 

Too much water can cause root rot or fungal diseases. Plus, you should also avoid misting the flowers. Because they are more delicate and prone to browning. 

Therefore, you should mist your peace lily in the morning or in the evening, when the sun is not too strong. If you want to avoid mold and pests then you should also mist your peace lily when the room is well ventilated.

How Do You Add Mist To Peace Lilies?

There are different ways to mist your peace lily, depending on your preference and convenience. Some of the common methods are:

  • Using a spray bottle
  • Using a humidifier
  • Using a pebble tray

Let’s know about all these ways in details: 

Using a spray bottle

This is the simplest and most popular way to mist your peace lily. You just need to fill a spray bottle with dechlorinated water.

Can’t I use our tap water? 

Using a spray bottle

-No you should not use tap water. It can be harmful for your peace lilies,  as it can contain chlorine, minerals, and salts that can damage their leaves. Chlorine can cause leaf burn or discoloration. You can use distilled water, rainwater, or filtered water at room temperature.

Then consider misting your peace lily in the morning or evening, when the sun is not too strong. Avoid misting in the middle of the day. Because the water droplets can act as magnifying glasses and burn the leaves of your plant. 

Applying spray on your peace lily about three times a week, or more often if the air is dry. And the plus point is, you don’t need to spend money for misting through a spray bottle. 

Using a humidifier

 This is a more effective and consistent way to increase the humidity for your peace lily. 

At first, you have to choose a humidifier that suits your needs and preferences. There are different types of humidifiers, such as cool mist, warm mist, ultrasonic, or evaporative. Choose one that you like most. 

Using a humidifier

Then place the humidifier near your peace lily or in the same room. But don’t place it too close to the plant, as it can cause waterlogging or fungal diseases. You also should avoid placing the humidifier near heat sources or vents that can dry out the air.

After these fill it and set to the desired humidity level. Peace lilies prefer a humidity level of 50% or higher. You can check the humidifier’s display or the hygrometer to monitor the humidity level. 

Using a pebble tray

If you want to add mist through a  natural and inexpensive way to your peace lily then you can consider using a pebble tray. 

Using a pebble tray

You may be wondering what this is? Listen, a pebble tray is a shallow tray filled with pebbles and water. You can place your peace lily pot on top of the pebble tray. But keep the bottom of the pot does not touch the water. The water will evaporate from the tray and create humidity around the plant.

Check the water level of the tray regularly and refill it as needed. You should also clean the tray and the pebbles or marbles occasionally to prevent algae or mold growth.


How Often Should You Mist A Peace Lily?

You should mist a peace lily a few times a week, depending on the humidity level of the room and the season. Peace lilies prefer a humidity level of 50% or higher. Experts say three times in a week is a good rule of misting. 

How To Tell Your Peace Lily Needs Mist?

You can tell your peace lily needs moist by inspecting their signs such as wilting and drooping even after watering, browning leaves in shade, stunt growth and falling flowers. 

What If You Overmist Your Peace Lily?

Overmisting your Peace Lily can be detrimental. Because, excessive moisture can lead to several issues. Consistently exposed to overly wet conditions make them more susceptible to fungal diseases and root rot.


Unlike other houseplants, peace lilies don’t need any extra care. You can get lots of benefits in low maintenance. When you ask, should i mist my peace lily? 

Then you should know yes. Because, in their native habitats they thrive in high humidity. If you don’t mist them, their leaves will dry and turn yellow and brown. On the one hand, low humidity spoils their ornamental appearance and on the other hand, it harms their health a lot. 

Don’t worry, they can survive in difficult environments. They also can be revived if you mist them regularly. Follow the methods of adding mist from the article and enjoy their full benefits.

Raina Trick

Written by

Raina Trick

Meet Rayna Trick: Your Indoor Plant Whisperer! With her roots in environmental science and a passion for exotic succulents, she’s the Green Thumb of the Year. Rayna’s here to be your plant companion, sharing her expertise and nurturing your green oasis at PlantTrick. Let’s make your indoor space bloom, one leaf at a time, together!

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