Do your peace lilies less than 12 cm (5 inch)?
Are you wondering, why are my peace lily flowers small? Well,
Peace Lily Flowers Small
Not only a single reason is responsible for your smaller peace lily. Insufficient light, improper watering, nutrient deficiency, overfeeding nitrogen, repotting and transplant shock, overpotting, or environmental stress can be the cause of small flowers of your peace lily.
Peace lilies are beautiful indoor plants. Their glossy green leaves and elegant white flowers can give a touch of elegance and tranquillity to any indoor space.
But it’s really a frustrating matter when your peace lily can’t produce the right size flowers. Dive into the article to know why are my peace lily flowers small and green and how to solve these issues.
Table of Contents
Main Factors:
What Is the Average Size Of Peace Lily Flowers?
Peace lilies are tropical plants. They are native to the tropical region of the Americas, specifically the rainforests of Central and South America. Peace lilies are not true lilies, and they belong to the genus Spathiphyllum, which contains about 47 species.
Peace lilies can bloom throughout the year, but they can bloom more periodically in their growing seasons, like spring and summer.
Peace lilies produce white, spath-like flowers. Actually, it’s a modified leaf called bracts. The true flowers are tiny and clustered on a central spike. It’s called a spadix.
Different varieties of peace lilies have different flower sizes. For example, the smallest variety of peace lily is Spathiphyllum petite, which has flowers that are only 2 to 4 inches long.
On the other hand, Spathiphyllum sensation is recognized as the largest variety of peace lily. And their flowers can reach up to 20 inches long.
So, the average size of peace lily flowers ranges from 5 to 25 inches in length. But it can vary depending on the type and care of your plants.
Why Are My Peace Lily Flowers Small?
Peace lilies produce stunning white flowers that can last for several weeks. They are also easy to care for, but it’s necessary to know how to take care of peace lilies indoors.
There are several possible causes why is my peace lily flower staying small? And it’s crucial to know for which specific reasons are affecting the size of your flowers. When you will know, you can take proper steps to get back the accurate size.
Some of the most common ones are:
Insufficient Light:
Insufficient light conditions are one of the main reasons for small size flowers. Inadequate light hampers the ability to conduct photosynthesis efficiently. It reduces the energy which is necessary for flower production. As a result, your plants produce fewer and smaller flowers. Because they prioritize the production of leaves in an attempt to capture more light for essential photosynthetic processes. This will also cause the peace lily not to grow. So, be careful.
Improper Watering:
Improper watering practices can have a direct impact on the size and health of your peace lily flowers. Peace Lilies prefer consistently moist soil. But They are susceptible to the adverse effects of both overwatering and underwatering. Overwatering can lead to root rot, and light flowering. and underwatering is responsible for stress and reduced nutrient uptake. Hence, your plants produce few and small flowers.
Nutrient Deficiency:
Your peace lilies need a balanced, liquid fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season to support blooming. Particularly, phosphorus is crucial for flower development. A deficiency in phosphorus, as well as other essential nutrient deficiencies like nitrogen and potassium, can lead to stunted growth and smaller flowers of your peace lily. Also, if your peace lily is getting black tips, then this would be the cause.
Nitrogen is essential for overall growth and lush foliage. However, too much nitrogen tends to prioritize vegetative growth, such as leaf development, at the expense of flower production.
Repotting And Transplant Shock:
Repotting and transplant shock can also contribute to smaller flowers on your peace lily. Peace lilies need some time to adjust to a new pot or location. They also reallocate their energy to adapt to the new environment. As a result, it impacts the size of your peace lily flower. This can even cause peace lily flower to turn yellow.
Environmental Stresses:
Peace lilies are native to the tropical region. They are sensitive to changes in their surroundings. Extreme temperatures, fluctuations in humidity, or exposure to drafts can disrupt the normal physiological processes of your peace lily plant. During this time, your plants allocate their resources towards survival mechanisms rather than investing in robust flower development. So the flowers become smaller.
What Role Does Light Exposure Play In Determining The Size Of Peace Lily Flowers?
Light exposure plays a crucial role in determining the size of peace lily flowers. Light exposure can affect the growth and blooming potential of your peace lily.
Peace lilies are native to tropical regions, where they grow in the understory of the rainforest. They are habituated to receiving bright but indirect light filtered through the canopy.
Peace lilies are also adapted to survive in low-light environments, but they still need a certain amount of light to trigger photosynthesis. You should know how much light a peace lily needs. Your peace lilies need at least 6 hours of bright indirect sunlight.
Otherwise, your plant will not be able to produce available energy for flower production and growth. In this situation, your plant gives more focus on producing leaves rather than flowers to capture more light for conducting photosynthesis. It leads to less and smaller production of your peace lily flower.
On the other hand, too much direct sunlight can lead to scorched and turned yellow leaves and overall stress on your plants, as the plant will lose water and nutrients faster than it can replenish them. It also can make your flower fade or wilt prematurely.
So, receiving the right amount of bright indirect sunlight is very essential for the healthy and proper size of your peace lily flowers.
How To Fix Flowers Small Issue?
If your peace lily can’t get adequate environmental factors that can mimic their native environments, then their flower production reduces. Additionally, flower size becomes smaller compared to a plant that gets adequate environments.
If you want to fix the issue of small, peace lily flowers, you gotta take care of your peace lily. Follow these steps:
By following these steps, you can fix the issue of small, peace lily flowers and enjoy their stunning beauty.
Nutrients Essential For Promoting Larger Peace Lily Flowers
Peace lilies are not heavy feeders, but they need some nutrients to support their growth and blooming. Now, I will explore some nutrients that are essential for promoting a larger peace lily:
These are some of the nutrients essential for promoting larger peaceful lily flowers. By providing your peace lily with the right fertilizer at the right time and in the right amount, you can help it produce bigger.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
Do Peace Lilies Get Bigger?
Yes, peace lilies can get bigger over time, depending on the variety, growing conditions, and care.
How Long Does It Take For A Peace Lily To Get Big?
Peace lily takes about three to five years to grow to its potential size. However, the growth rate and size of a peace lily can vary depending on the variety, growing conditions, and care.
Why Are My Peace Lily Flowers Green Instead Of White?
There are a few possible reasons why your peace lily produces green flowers instead of white. The most common one is that it is part of the flower’s natural life cycle. Over-fertilizing, too much direct sunlight, can also be a reason for green peace lily.
Are Peace Lilies Slow Growing?
Peace lilies are not slow growing, but they are not fast growing either. They have a moderate growth rate, adding approximately 1 to 6 inches of new growth each year.
Peace lilies are a very popular choice for adding natural beauty in any indoor space. Their elegant large white flowers increase the beauty multiplicatively.
There are various reasons for why are my peace lily flowers small? Inadequate light and improper watering play a vital role to compacted their size.
However, is it possible to make their flowers large again? Yes, it’s not impossible work. For doing this at first you have to find out the accurate reason for the smaller size of your flower. Then you can follow the suitable steps from the article.
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