Why Is My Peace Lily Light Green? Tips To Keep Right Color


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Naturally, peace lilies sometimes can be toxic but they come in a rich, dark green color.

They are renowned for their glossy green leaves and elegant white flowers. But sometimes, you will see peace lilies that are light green. 

Why Is My Peace Lily Light Green

But why is my peace lily light green?

As a peace lily planter it’s crucial to know for you, why do peace lilies lose their vibrant color?  

In this article, you will know how I got back my peace lily’s color. In the last part, I will share some tips and tricks to keep your peace lilies color right.

Core Findings:

  • Inadequate light or too much direct sunlight can cause light green leaves.
  • Nutrient deficiency, especially nitrogen, can lead to paler green leaves.
  • In summer: 6-8 hours of bright, indirect light, water twice a week or when the top soil is dry can bring the color back.

What Does A Healthy Peace Lily Look Like?

If you don’t know what a healthy peace lily looks like, then how will you identify an unhealthy peace lily?  To separate an unhealthy peace lily, at first you have to know about the appearance of a healthy peace lily.  Your healthy peace lily will have the following features: 

What Does A Healthy Peace Lily Look Like
  • Dark green, glossy, and oval leaves that are large and smooth. The stems of a healthy Peace Lily are firm and upright.
  • They will have distinctive white flowers that are shaped like spathes and bloom mainly in the spring.
  • Steady growth, with new leaves and flowers appearing regularly.
  • When checking the plant’s roots (during repotting, for example), you should see white, healthy roots. 
  • A healthy Peace Lily is generally free from pests. 
  • Moist but well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter.
  • Bright, indirect light that does not scorch the leaves.
  • Moderate temperature and humidity that mimic the tropical rainforest.

Inspect your peace lily properly. If you see these features in your peace lily then, you can say your peace lily is healthy.

On the contrary, if your peace lily looks different from these features, it’s not properly healthy. 

Why Is My Peace Lily Light Green?

When I brought my peace lilies, they looked dark green. But, after some days I notice they are looking light green. It made me anxious when I saw my peace lilies lose their ornamental appearance. 

I wanted to know why is my peace lily losing Colour?  Then, get some reason through online research and discussion with expert gardeners. Lets see: 

Why Is My Peace Lily Light Green

Inadequate Light:

So, why is my peace lily leaves light green? Peace lilies are adapted to the understory of tropical rainforest with indirect sunlight. They also prefer bright indirect light indoors. If your peace lily receives insufficient light, its leaves often turn light green. Because they can’t produce adequate chlorophyll. It can also cause  peace lily limp.

It diminishes in low light, affecting the plant’s ability to convert light energy into chemical energy. This is the main reason for a lighter green or yellowish hue. On the other hand, if you expose your peace lily to direct sunlight, its leaves can become bleached and lose their dark green color.


Move your peace lily to a location with bright, indirect light. Ensure it receives filtered sunlight, simulating its natural understory habitat.

Shield the plant from direct sunlight, as exposure can lead to bleached leaves. Consider placing it near a window with sheer curtains or in a spot where it receives dappled sunlight.

Nutrient Deficiency:

Wondering why is my peace lily pale green? Well, light green leaves of your peace lily can be a sign of nutrient deficiency, particularly nitrogen. It directly impacts the synthesis of chlorophyll—the green pigment essential for photosynthesis. Nitrogen is a crucial component in chlorophyll molecules. It also can make peace lily tips go black.

Its scarcity hampers your peace lily’s ability to produce this vital pigment efficiently. Chlorophyll is integral to capturing sunlight and converting it into energy. The reduction in its synthesis results in leaves that appear paler green Peace lily. Also, if you missed up here, then peace lily won’t grow properly.


Use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer with a higher nitrogen content. Follow the recommended dosage on the fertilizer package to avoid over-fertilizing. Which can cause its own set of problems.

Establish a regular fertilizing schedule, typically during the growing season (spring and summer). This helps provide a consistent supply of nutrients for the plant’s healthy development.

Overwatering The Plant:

These indoor plants  prefer consistently moist soil. But they are susceptible to overwatering. If you excessively water your plant, it leads to waterlogging. Excess water deprives the roots of your peace lily from essential oxygen and creates conditions favorable for root rot. This fungal infection compromises the roots’ ability to absorb nutrients effectively, including those necessary for chlorophyll production.


Check the soil moisture regularly before watering. Peace lilies prefer consistently moist soil, but they do not tolerate waterlogged conditions.

Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering again. Adjust the watering frequency based on the specific needs of your plant and the conditions in your home.

Ensure that the pot has proper drainage holes. If it doesn’t, consider repotting your peace lily into a container with good drainage to prevent waterlogging

Inadequate Drainage:

Inadequate drainage is also a contributing factor of the light green color of your peace lily. Poor drainage in the plant’s pot can lead to waterlogged soil. It is restricting the availability of oxygen to the roots.

In such conditions, your plant’s roots may suffer from reduced functionality. And also impairing their ability to absorb essential nutrients, including those crucial for chlorophyll synthesis. Wrong drainage can cause peace lily flower turning yellow.


Repot your peace lily using a well-draining potting mix. Mix perlite or sand into the soil to enhance drainage and aeration.

Opt for pots with drainage holes to allow excess water to escape. This helps prevent waterlogged conditions that can lead to root issues.

Place the pot on pot feet or small blocks to lift it slightly above the saucer. This prevents the bottom of the pot from sitting directly in any excess water that may accumulate.

In a nutshell, Inadequate light and insufficient nutrition are the main reasons for the light green color of your peace lily. So, you have to provide adequate light and nutrition to keep the right color of your peace lily.

Factors That Influence Peace Lily Color

Peace lilies are popular houseplants that produce glossy green leaves and elegant white flowers. 

The color of both the foliage and the blooms of your peace lily can be influenced by various factors, such as: 

  • Light 
  • Water
  • Temperature and Humidity
  • Fertilizer
  • Age of leaves
  • Pests and Diseases

Let’s see how these factors can influence your peace lily color: 

  • Light: Light plays a crucial role in influencing the color of your Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) foliage. The intensity and duration of light exposure directly impact their leaf color. Insufficient light can lead to a reduction in chlorophyll production. On the other hand, too much direct sunlight can scorch the leaves, causing discoloration.
  • Water: Water also plays a critical role in influencing the color of Peace Lily foliage. Overwatering causes root rot. It deprives the roots of absorbing nutrients, and the leaves turn lighter green. Peace lily can be drooping even after watering. So watering isn’t all in one solution.
  • Temperature and Humidity: Peace lilies thrive in temperatures ranging from 65-80°F (18-27°C) and high humidity environments. If you expose them to extreme temperatures outside this range or low humidity can stress the plant, affecting leaf color.
  • Fertilizer: A balanced fertilizer contributes to the overall health and vibrant green color of peace lily plants. Excessive nutrient levels can lead to toxicity and negatively impact your plant’s health and color. 
  • Age: The age significantly influences the color of your Peace Lily foliage and flowers. Older leaves and flowers naturally become light colors. 
  • Pests and Diseases: The presence of pests can lead to discoloration, spotting, or abnormal growth patterns in the leaves. Similarly, diseases can affect nutrient absorption and metabolic processes. As a result, the color of your peace lily changes. 

These factors are the main reason for this question, why are my peace lily leaves light green? So, promptly handle this factor to keep the right color of your peace lily.

How Do I Know If My Peace Lily Is Getting Too Much Light?

It’s crucial to ensure proper lighting for peace lilies. But, if I ask you, how do you know your peace lily is getting adequate light or too much light? 

Well, you don’t need to brainstorm. There is the easiest way to know this. 

You can tell if your peace lily is getting too much light by looking at its leaves. 

Check the leaves for the following signs:

How Do I Know If My Peace Lily Is Getting Too Much Light
  • Leaf Burn: If the leaves of your peace lily start developing brown leaf tips or yellowish edges. And you say, why does my peace lily look burnt? This is particularly common on the leaves that are directly exposed to intense sunlight.
  • Fading Color: Excessive light can cause the vibrant green color of the leaves to fade. If you notice a loss of color or a yellowish tint, it could be an indication of too much sunlight.
  • Drooping Leaves: Peace lilies generally have upright leaves. But if your peace lily is getting too much light, it will start drooping.

In a nutshell, if the leaves of your peace lilies are yellow, curled, or scorched, it means that your plants are receiving too much direct sunlight.

Now you can easily know if your peace lily is getting too much light or not. 

Sunlight And Water Schedule To Revive Peace Lily Flower Color

Sunlight and water are 2 main factors that can affect your peace lily flower color. Improper light and water can be a cause of your discolored flower of peace lily. 

How do you green up a peace lily? To revive your peace lily’s flower color, you need to provide it with the right amount of sunlight and water.

You need to know how much light a peace lily needs. When it comes to sunlight for peace lilies, they prefer bright, indirect light. And your peace lily needs at least 4-6 hours of filtered light. 

Let’s talk about watering frequency. Peace lilies are not very thirsty plants. You should water when the top inch of soil feels dry. 

You can figure out this schedule to understand the sunlight and watering frequency for reviving your peace lily flower color. 

SpringBright, indirect light for 6-8 hours a dayWater once a week 
SummerBright, indirect light for 6-8 hours a dayWater twice a week or when the top two inches of soil are dry
FallBright, indirect light for 4-6 hours a dayWater once a week or when the top two inches of soil are dry
WinterBright, indirect light for 4-6 hours a dayWater once every two weeks

Remember, this schedule is just a guideline. You can customize this schedule by inspecting your environment and plant needs. 

Tips To Keep Peace Lily Color Right

You should know how to care for a peace lily indoors. Now I will provide some tips. By following these tips, you can keep your peace lily color right. 

Tips To Keep Peace Lily Color Right
  1. Choose a place where your peace lily can get proper indirect sunlight. I will suggest you place your plant beside the north or east facing window. Here, they can get the morning filtered light and can be safe from the evening’s direct sun.  
  2. Use a pot with proper drainage holes, then fill it with a well-draining potting mix. And thoroughly water your plant. The best rule for watering the lily is once a week. 
  3. Peace lilies thrive in humid conditions. So consider misting their leaves regularly or place a tray filled with pebbles and water near your peace lily to increase humidity levels. 
  4. Fertilize sparingly and correctly. Peace lilies need some nutrients to maintain their color and growth. Too much fertilizer can burn the roots and cause the leaves and flowers to turn brown or black. You should use a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season (spring and summer) and once a month during the dormant season (fall and winter months).
  5. Prune the old and unhealthy parts and dead leaf.

I hope all these tips will help you to keep your peace lily color right. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

Could Light Intensity Be A Factor In The Light Green Color Of My Peace Lily Leaves?

Yes, light intensity could be a factor in the light green color of your peace lily leaves. Peace lilies need at least six hours of bright, indirect light each day to produce chlorophyll, the pigment that gives leaves their green color.

Is The Soil Quality Impacting The Color Of My Peace Lily Leaves?

Yes, the soil quality can impact the color of your peace lily leaves. A bad quality wet soil can’t provide adequate nutrients that are necessary for keeping the proper color of your peace lily plant. 

Could Watering Habits Be A Reason For The Light Green Color Of My Peace Lily?

Yes, watering habits can affect the color of your peace lily’s leaves and flowers. If you overwater or underwater this tropical plant, it can cause stress and nutrient deficiencies that can make the leaves turn yellow or brown.

Can The Age Of The Peace Lily Plant Affect The Color Of Its Leaves?

The age of the peace lily plant can affect the color of its leaves to some extent. As the plant matures, its leaves may become darker green and larger.

Last words

Glossy, dark green leaves and beautiful white flowers of peace lily give a touch of elegance in our homes. But it’s really disappointing when peace lilies lose their natural look and become light green. And you want to know why is my peace lily light green?

But keep in mind that, where there is a problem, there is a solution. And to find out the solution, you need to identify the reason for the problem. 

From this article we learned, peace lilies become light green mainly for 2 reasons such as, inadequate light and improper nutrients. 

To fix this issue apply the tips I shared in the article and enjoy the proper beauty of peace lily.

Raina Trick

Written by

Raina Trick

Meet Rayna Trick: Your Indoor Plant Whisperer! With her roots in environmental science and a passion for exotic succulents, she’s the Green Thumb of the Year. Rayna’s here to be your plant companion, sharing her expertise and nurturing your green oasis at PlantTrick. Let’s make your indoor space bloom, one leaf at a time, together!

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