Peace Lily Care: Why Is My Peace Lily Not Turning White


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I was a bit worried about the color of the flower of my peace lily. Then Mom said, why don’t you talk with your uncle? He is an expert on indoor plants.

After mom’s suggestion, I went to my uncle’s garden and discussed my problems with him.

At first I asked him, why is my peace lily not turning white?

Why Is My Peace Lily Not Turning White

Peace Lily Not Turning White

Your peace lily cannot turn white because of insufficient light, underwatering, poor soil quality, low humidity, lack of fertilization, or being root-bound. Over fertilization and over-watering can also be responsible for not turning white your peace lily.

In this article, I will share my discussion with my uncle, who is an expert of indoor plants, especially peace lily.  

I will also explore how I solve my issues. 

So, keep an open eye over the article and get the best solution for your peace lily.

Key Thought

  • Peace lily flowers covered with a shade like modified leaf. It’s called spathes. 
  • You should use filtered, distilled or rain water. Don’t use tap water, as it contains many harmful chemicals for your peace lily plant.
  • The way you water your peace lily can also affect the color of its leaves.
  • A high-quality peat-based mix provides good water retention and aeration.

Why Is My Peace Lily Not Turning White?

Peace lilies are beautiful indoor plants. They produce white flowers. It’s called spathes. 

However, sometimes the spathes can not turn white. They remain green or turn brown. 

Before I told you why your peace lily is not turning white, tell me how do you care your peace lily.

I place my peace lily pot beside my bed, and I regularly water them. 

Why Are My Peace Lily Leaves Not Turning White

Uncle said, I guessed right. Do you know that peace lilies have some requirements to turn their leaves in white color. 

Peace lily flowers covered with a shade like modified leaf. It’s called spathes.  

Let’s see several reasons, why peace lily leaves not turning white:

  • Insufficient Light: Your peace lily leaves not turning white because it’s not getting enough light. Peace lilies don’t take full sun. They prefer bright indirect light, but not direct sunlight. Since you placed your plant in a dark spot, it can’t produce white flowers. 
  • Unstable watering: Peace lily don’t like a lot of water. Over-watering can lead to root rot, and underwatering causes a lack of nutrients. For unstable watering, your spathes can turn brown, not white. 
  • Poor Soil Quality: Peace Lilies thrive in a well-draining, rich potting mix. If the soil lacks nutrients or doesn’t drain well, it can affect your plant’s overall health and leaf color. 
  • Low humidity: Peace lilies need high humidity levels to thrive well. It also helps to turn their leaves white color. 
  • Over-fertilization: If you over-fertilize your plant, then it will not turn white. Excess fertilizer can cause the spathes to stay green or turn brown. 
  • Root-bound Conditions: If your Peace Lily has outgrown its current pot, it may become root-bound. This can affect nutrient uptake that helps your plants to turn white color. 

These are the main reasons for your leaves or spathes not turning white. 

Now I understand, why are my peace lily flowers not turning white. 

Why Might Peace Lily Leaves Turns White?

By way of, I wanted to know my uncle, why are my peace lily leaves turning white? 

Although peace lilies come in different colors. There are a few possible reasons why your peace lily leaves might turn white. Some of them are:

Why Might Peace Lily Leaves Turns White
  • Light deficiency: Peace lilies need bright indirect light to produce white flowers and green leaves. While peace lily can grow in dare, placing them in a dark or shady spot can cause them to lose their color and turn pale. 
  • Overwatering: Peace lily likes well-draining, moist soil. If the soil of your pot is too wet, then the root can rot, and leaves can turn white or brown. 
  • Water quality: Peace lilies are sensitive to the quality of water they receive. Hard, fluoridated, or chlorinated water can cause the leaves to turn white. 
  • Pest invasion: Spider mites, mealybugs, and other pests can attack your peace lily and suck the sap from the leaves. This may result in white, brown or black spots on the leaves. 

For these reasons, your peace lily leaves are turning white. 

How Do You Make Peace Lily Flowers White?

The main beauty of peace lily is their elegant white flowers and glossy green leaves. 

Naturally, peace lily bloom green flowers. And gradually, it turns white color.

To make them green bloom to white bloom, you should take some necessary initials. 

How Do You Make Peace Lily Flowers White?

Let’s know how you can do this: 

Step 1: Provide Light And Water

You have to provide your plant with bright, indirect sunlight but avoid direct sunlight. Because direct sunlight can scorch the leaves and flowers.  Thoroughly water your peace lily plant.

You can consider watering them when the top inch of the soil feels dry. Remember, don’t overwater your plant. You should use filtered, distilled or rainwater. Don’t use tap water, as it contains many harmful chemicals for your peace lily plant.

Step 2: Provide The Right Fertilizer

During the growing seasons and when flowers are blooming, you should fertilize your plant lightly and sparingly with houseplant fertilizer. On the other hand, too much fertilizer can cause the flowers to stay green color or turn brown. You can also use gibberellic acid, a natural plant hormone. It can stimulate the flowering. You can spray it on the plant in a diluted solution. 

Step 3: Keep A Close Eye On The Plant

Regularly inspect your plant. If you notice any kind of harmful insect, then treat them with neem oil or insecticidal soap. 

These steps will help you to make your peace lily flowers white.

So, follow the steps properly and enjoy the beauty of white, elegant flower of peace lily. 

How Do Watering Frequency And Technique Affect The Color Of Peace Lily Leaves?

Watering frequency and technique can have a significant impact on the color of your peace lily leaves.

Now I will tell you some of the ways that watering affects the plant’s health and appearance: 

How Do Watering Frequency And Technique Affect The Color Of Peace Lily Leaves
  • Underwatering: If your plant does not receive enough water, the leaves can wilt and turn yellow or brown. This is because the plant loses moisture through transpiration and cannot replace it fast enough. Your plants can also drop their flowers and buds to conserve water. 
  • Overwatering: If your plant receives too much water, the leaves can also turn yellow leaves. This is because the excess water can cause root rot. This is a fungal disease that prevents the plant from absorbing nutrients and oxygen. Your plant can also develop leaf spots and blisters due to bacterial or fungal infections.
  • Watering technique: The way you water your peace lily can also affect the color of its leaves. You should water the plant thoroughly until the water drains out of the bottom of the pot. And let the soil dry slightly before watering again. You should avoid watering the plant from above, as this can cause the leaves to get wet and develop fungal or bacterial diseases.

Some Best Potting Mix To Get The Color Of Peace Lily Leaves

Potting mix is one of the important factors that can affect the color of your peace lily. Peace lily need  the right potting mix to thrive and maintain their color. 

While specific potting mixes designed for Peace Lilies are not widely available. The best potting mix for peace lilies should have the following characteristics:

  • It should be well draining but also retain some moisture. 
  • It should be slightly acidic, with a pH range of 5.8 to 6.5.
  • It should be light and airy, allowing the roots to breathe and avoid root rot.

Let’s see how you can create an ideal mix by considering the plant’s preferences.


  • Peat-based Potting Mix: A high-quality peat-based mix provides good water retention and aeration.
  • Perlite or Vermiculite: These additives help enhance drainage and aeration in the soil of your pot. 
  • Pine Bark or Coconut Coir: These components can contribute to the overall structure of your potting mix. It also aids in water retention without causing waterlogged conditions.
  • Aged Compost: Using aged compost for peace lily helps to add essential nutrients to the mix, promoting vibrant leaf color. 


  • #Step-1: Mix equal parts peat-based potting mix, perlite or vermiculite, and either pine bark or coconut coir in a large container.
  • #Step-2: Now add a small amount of aged compost to enrich the mix with organic matter and nutrients.
  • #Step-3: Then thoroughly blend the components to create a well-balanced and well-aerated potting mix.


  • Ensure the potting mix is well-draining to prevent overwatering issues.
  • You should use a container with drainage holes to further promote proper drainage.
  • Report your Peace Lily every 1-2 years to refresh the soil and provide new nutrients.

How Can I Troubleshoot And Remedy The Issue Of White Leaves On My Peace Lily?

To troubleshoot and remedy the issue of white leaves on your Peace Lily, consider the following steps:

How Can I Troubleshoot And Remedy The Issue Of White Leaves On My Peace Lily?
  • Evaluate Lighting Conditions: Place your Peace lily in bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves.
  • Assess Watering Practices: You should maintain a consistent watering schedule. Ensure your pot has proper drainage to prevent waterlogging.
  • Check Humidity Levels: You can increase humidity around the plant by misting the leaves, using a humidity tray, or placing a humidifier nearby.
  • Examine Soil and Nutrient Levels: Use a well-draining potting mix enriched with compost. Fertilize your plant with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer during the growing season.
  • Inspect for Aging Leaves: Regularly prune yellow or dead leaves of your peace lily to encourage new, healthy growth.
  • Consider Environmental Factors: Keep your plant in a stable environment, avoiding sudden temperature changes and drafts.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Will My Peace Lily Turn White Again?

Your peace lily will turn white again if you provide it with the right conditions for blooming. You should provide bright indirect light, moist but well-drained soil, filtered or distilled water, and light and sparing fertilizer. 

Does Overwatering Cause Powdery Mildew?

Overwatering does not directly cause powdery mildew, but it can create conditions that favor its growth.

What Does An Overwatered Peace Lily Look Like?

An overwatered peace lily shows some signs such as yellow and drooping leaves, brown or blackish leaf tips, mold on the soil’s surface, and mushy, dark, and smelly roots. 

What Could Be Causing My Peace Lily Leaves To Turn White?

There are a few possible reasons why your peace lily leaves might turn white. Some of them are: powdery mildew, sun scorch, low light, nutrient deficiency, pest infestation, and poor water quality. 


Peace lilies are tropical plants. Their spathes are naturally green before and after they bloom. This is a part of their natural life cycle. They only turn white for a short couple of times when they are fully open. 

You don’t need to worry about why is my peace lily not turning white. Because by applying some initials you can help your peace lily to turn its flowers in white color. 

If you follow the steps that I described in this article, you can get the elegant white color of a peace lily. 

Raina Trick

Written by

Raina Trick

Meet Rayna Trick: Your Indoor Plant Whisperer! With her roots in environmental science and a passion for exotic succulents, she’s the Green Thumb of the Year. Rayna’s here to be your plant companion, sharing her expertise and nurturing your green oasis at PlantTrick. Let’s make your indoor space bloom, one leaf at a time, together!

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