Are Eggshells Good For Peace Lily: Surprising Benefits of Natural Fertilization


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So, are eggshells good for peace lily?  Peace lilies don’t need eggshells, as they thrive with regular potting mix and light fertilization. Eggshells can offer calcium, but peace lilies aren’t heavy feeders requiring such supplements. This mineral is vital for plant growth.

Are Eggshells Good For Peace Lily

Eggshells For Peace Lily

Peace lilies are thrive in well-nourished soil. This article explores this topic. You can look at how eggshells affect peace lily health. Join us on a journey to discover how eggshells can be the secret ingredient for a thriving Peace Lily.

Let’s dive in and uncover the answer together.

Main points

  • Peace lilies thrive without eggshells but can benefit from their calcium content.
  • Eggshells work as a natural fertilizer for various plants and improve soil quality.
  • For Peace Lilies, a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer is key to their health and beauty.

Are Eggshells Good For Peace Lily?

Are eggshells good for peace lilies? This is a common question among gardening enthusiasts. Many people choose peace lilies as houseplants because of their lush green leaves and ease of care. They are indeed excellent houseplants.

They thrive in indirect sunlight and moist potting soil. While eggshells are a source of calcium, peace lilies don’t usually need extra calcium for healthy growth. Unlike outdoor plants, they require less intense care. 

Eggshells can be crushed in the compost pile in a food processor and added to the soil. This can help with soil aeration. However, for peace lilies, a balanced type of fertilizer often suffices. Liquid fertilizers or a compost pile with banana peels can also support their growth. 

Knowing whether peace lilies are annuals or perennials is essential for long-term plant care.

Eggshells as a Natural Fertilizer

Eggshells are a natural fertilizer. They offer many benefits for plants.

Eggshells as a Natural Fertilizer
  • Source of Calcium: Eggshells are rich in calcium. This mineral is key for plant health.
  • Soil Aeration: Crushed eggshells improve soil aeration. This helps roots grow strong.
  • Reduce Acidity: They can lower soil acidity. This benefits plants that prefer neutral pH.
  • Compost Addition: Eggshells in compost piles add valuable nutrients.
  • Pest Deterrent: Sprinkle around plants; they can deter pests.
  • Indoor Plants: Great for houseplants like spider plants. They support healthy growth.
  • Outdoor Plants: Useful for garden plants too. They help in flower production.

Eggshells are easy to use. Crush them in a food processor. Then, mix them into potting soil or sprinkle around plants. They’re a simple, effective way to boost plant health.

So do peace lilies like eggshells? The answer is not a straight no. Some people may wonder, are peace lilies dramatic? While they can thrive with a balanced approach to care, adding eggshells can provide a natural boost.

How to Prepare Eggshells for Peace Lilies?

Peace lilies, a popular houseplant, can benefit from eggshells. Here’s how to prepare them.

  • Collecting Eggshells
  • Crushing the Eggshells 
  • Drying the Shells 
  • Mixing with Soil 
  • Applying to Peace Lilies 

1. Collecting Eggshells 

Start by saving eggshells. Rinse them well to remove any egg whites. This prevents odor and mold. Store the shells in a container until you have enough. You don’t need many for a peace lily.

2. Drying the Shells 

Dry the eggshells completely. You can place them in a warm, sunny spot. Alternatively, put them in an oven at a low temperature. Drying makes it easier to crush and mix into the soil.

3. Crushing the Eggshells 

Use a food processor or mortar and pestle to crush the shells. They should be fine, almost like powder. This helps them mix evenly into the soil and decompose faster.

4. Mixing with Soil 

Mix the crushed eggshells into the potting soil. This adds calcium, promoting healthy growth and green leaves. It also aids in soil aeration, keeping the soil moist but not wet.

5. Applying to Peace Lilies 

Sprinkle the eggshell-soil mix around the base of your peace lily. Do this when repotting or as part of regular plant care. The eggshells provide a slow-release source of nutrients. They are especially helpful in indirect sunlight conditions.

This simple process can enhance the health and beauty of your peace lilies. It’s a natural, effective way to care for your indoor plants. Some may wonder, are eggshells good for any plants. Well, it’s good for most of the plants.

What Is The Best Fertilizer For Peace Lilies?

The best fertilizer for peace lilies is a balanced, water-soluble, complete fertilizer with a formula like 20-20-20 or 10-10-10. Any high-quality, water-soluble indoor plant fertilizer works well. Choosing the right fertilizer is key to their health and beauty. Here are more details,

  • Balanced Liquid Fertilizers A balanced, water-soluble liquid fertilizer is ideal for peace lilies. Look for a 20-20-20 or 10-10-10 formula. These numbers represent the balance of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Apply it every 6 to 8 weeks for optimal growth.
  • Low-Strength Options Peace lilies don’t need strong fertilizers. In fact, too much can harm them. Use a half-strength solution. This provides enough nutrients without overwhelming the plant. It’s a safe choice for regular use.
  • Organic Alternatives Organic options like compost or worm castings work well. They slowly release nutrients. This keeps the soil moist and nutritious. Mix them into the potting soil or top-dress the soil surface.
  • Avoiding Direct Sunlight When fertilizing, keep your peace lilies in indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight can interact with the fertilizer and cause leaf burn. Proper light conditions ensure the fertilizer works effectively.
  • Seasonal Adjustments Reduce fertilization in winter. Peace lilies grow slower in cooler, darker months. They need less food during this time. Resume regular feeding in spring when growth picks up.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure your peace lilies stay healthy and vibrant. Remember, the best fertilizer is one that suits the specific needs of your indoor plants.

Which Plants Like Eggshells?

Plants like tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, roses, hydrangeas, spider plants, ferns, and ivy benefit from eggshells as a homemade fertilizer. Let’s explore which plants appreciate this addition.

Which Plants Like Eggshells

1. Tomato Plants 

Tomatoes love eggshells. They help to combat blossom end rot, a prevalent problem triggered by a lack of calcium. Crushed eggshells added to the soil release calcium slowly. This helps tomatoes develop strong cell walls, leading to healthier fruit.

2. Peppers 

Like tomatoes, peppers benefit from the extra calcium in eggshells. This boosts their growth and helps prevent blossom end rot. Mix crushed eggshells into the potting soil or sprinkle them at the base of the plants.

3. Eggplants 

Eggplants, being in the same family as tomatoes and peppers, also enjoy eggshells. They help in producing strong, healthy eggplants. The calcium aids in the development of the fruit, enhancing both size and quality.

4. Roses 

Roses thrive with added calcium. Eggshells can lead to stronger plants and more vibrant blooms. Mix crushed eggshells into the soil around the roses. This supports their growth and flower production.

5. Broccoli and Cabbage 

These vegetables benefit from eggshells, too. They help in preventing clubroot, a disease common in these crops. The calcium in eggshells strengthens the plants, promoting healthy growth.

Crushed and mixed into the soil, eggshells can make a significant difference in plant health and productivity. Plants like tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants are considered acid-loving plants, and they particularly benefit from eggshells as a homemade fertilizer.

Alternative Fertilization Methods

Exploring different ways to fertilize plants can be beneficial. Let’s look at some alternative methods.

Alternative Fertilization Methods


Compost is a great natural fertilizer. It’s made from decomposed organic materials like food scraps and leaves. Compost adds nutrients to the soil and improves its structure. This helps keep the soil moist and aerated. It’s suitable for both indoor and outdoor plants. What is the best fertilizer for peace lily? You can easily say compost.

Coffee Grounds 

Used coffee grounds are a good source of nitrogen. They also contain potassium and magnesium, which are essential for plant growth. Sprinkle coffee grounds around the base of your plants. This method is especially good for acid-loving plants.

Banana Peels 

Banana peels are rich in potassium, an important nutrient for flower production. Dry and grind the peels in a food processor. Then, mix them into the soil. This method works well for both indoor and outdoor plants. You can make banana peels as a homemade fertilizer for peace lily.

Aquarium Water 

Water from a fish tank is rich in nitrogen and other nutrients. Use it to water your plants. It’s a great way to recycle water and provide nutrients to your plants. This method works well for both indoor and outdoor plants.

These alternative fertilization methods are easy and eco-friendly. They provide essential nutrients for healthy plant growth. Plus, they’re cost-effective and reduce waste.

Are Eggshells Good For Peace Lily In Water? 

Eggshells are not ideal for peace lilies grown in water. They work best in soil, where they slowly release calcium. 

Are Eggshells Good For Peace Lily In Water

In water, eggshells dissolve less effectively. This limits their benefit to the plant. For water-grown peace lilies, liquid fertilizers are a better choice. They provide nutrients directly to the roots, supporting healthy growth and white flowers. Use them sparingly to avoid overfeeding.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the lifespan of a peace lily?

A peace lily can live for three to five years. With proper care, some live even longer. They thrive in indirect sunlight, moist soil, and regular fertilization.

Can I put egg shells on my plants?

Yes, you can put egg shells on your plants. They are a source of calcium. Crush them finely before adding to the soil. This is especially good for plants needing extra calcium.

Why do my peace lilies keep dying?

Peace lilies may die due to overwatering, poor drainage, or lack of humidity. They need indirect sunlight and moist soil. Avoid direct sunlight and keep the soil well-drained but not soggy.

What helps a peace lily bloom?

To help a peace lily bloom, ensure it has indirect sunlight, consistent moisture, and warm temperatures. A balanced liquid fertilizer can also promote blooming. Avoid direct sunlight and overwatering.

Are eggshells good for peace lily indoors?

Eggshells can be used for peace lilies indoors. They provide calcium, which can benefit plant health. However, peace lilies are not heavy feeders, so use eggshells sparingly.

Final Words

The use of eggshells in Peace Lily care can be beneficial but isn’t essential. While eggshells provide calcium and promote soil aeration, Peace Lilies can thrive with a balanced fertilizer. The key is to maintain well-nourished soil and provide appropriate light and watering. So, are eggshells good for Peace Lily? They can be a natural boost, but a holistic approach to care is vital for their health and vibrancy.

Raina Trick

Written by

Raina Trick

Meet Rayna Trick: Your Indoor Plant Whisperer! With her roots in environmental science and a passion for exotic succulents, she’s the Green Thumb of the Year. Rayna’s here to be your plant companion, sharing her expertise and nurturing your green oasis at PlantTrick. Let’s make your indoor space bloom, one leaf at a time, together!

One response to “Are Eggshells Good For Peace Lily: Surprising Benefits of Natural Fertilization”

  1. Chris Avatar

    Glad to see this about peace lily plant to save it which I had it for 7 years. I had no idea but willing to try it.

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